Monday, March 18, 2013

On the way home, Meredith said, "When we get home, we're gonna' have a spell-off. My word is eight, and your word is supercalafragalisticexpialadocious."
On the way home, the radio DJ said, "Here's a song for all you sophisticated ladies out there." Meredith said, "Mama, are you certificated?" I said yep, I'm certified.
Meredith to her Dad: "Mama thinks because she's the oldest that she knows everything."
Daddy asked Meredith if she was gonna help him in the garden this summer. She said, "Depends. Does it involve 65 hours of weed-pulling?" He told her she'd never pulled a weed in her life. Then she said, "Well, are you gonna relax and make me do all the work, or are we both gonna relax and let someone else do all the work?"
I was telling Meredith about President Reagan and what a great President he was. She said, "Why was he so great? What did he let y'all do?"
Leaving El Mazatlan, Derrick stopped to get gas. (We had driven separately). Instead of going on home, I pulled in behind him. Meredith asked me why I followed Daddy. I told her because I loved him. She said, "Tell the truth!"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Listening to the radio on the way home, Meredith says, "They're saying W-R-N-S spells country. They're 100% completely wrong, Mama. C-O-U-N-T-R-Y spells country!!!"
Yelled from the bathroom, "Ok, I've got my top body washed!!!"
Meredith just asked me what was the diabolical number of 75.......?????
Derrick has ribs on the grill. Meredith just crawled in his lap and hugged him, and said, "Ooooh, your neck smells like bacon!!!"
I made an apple cream cheese Danish and a peach cream cheese Danish for dessert tonight. Meredith asked Derrick to get her some dessert and he asked her which one she wanted. She said, "I don't know - the one I've been sticking my finger in and licking."
I told Meredith to stop arguing back and listen for a change! She said, "Does that mean if I listen, I'll get some change?"
Meredith is eating boiled eggs dipped in thousand island dressing, and told Derrick it was totally eggs-citing!
"Mama, I'm watching the news, and if I hear anything incredible or sad, I'll come and tell ya'."