Monday, December 24, 2012

I'm getting a pedicure by Meredith and she has told me I might want to wear flip-flops to work next week. Pretty confident in her work, I suppose.....
"Mommy, you're about to make me cry and that'll cause my makeup to wash off!"
"Mommy, if we have a big stack of money we're not gonna use, we need to give it to charity."
Derrick told Meredith to get a paper towel and get up some water that was on the floor. She said, "Why, because I can bend down farther than y'all can?"
MEREDITH (from the kitchen): Mom, the table is now my art table so it doesn't matter if it gets paint on it! ME: That's our eating table and I'll be very upset if it gets paint on it! ...... short pause......... MEREDITH: Bring me a rag!!!!
Meredith fell down the deck steps this morning. They were slick with ice. On the way to school, I asked her how her butt was. She said, "I fell down 3 steps. It's gonna hurt at least an hour!!!"
My Daddy just called and wanted Meredith to go over so he could check her loose tooth.  She told him she would come over there, but first she had to sit on the toilet a while and then put on some lipstick.
Derrick pulled in Wendy's for lunch with Meredith and she told him they had to go somewhere else because her Mama said fast food was bad for you. So she had him go to the Waffle House where she told the waitress she wanted a waffle, some bacon and some extra grease.
Meredith loves looking at people's Christmas decorations and was fussing because we don't decorate outside. I told her I wasn't going to pile up a bunch of stuff in my yard and have it look like the Griswalds! She said, "Well, where do they live? Take me to see theirs!!!"
‎"I know I'm on the naughty list, but I'm gonna' somehow get back on the nice list by Christmas!", said Meredith.
Meredith wanted to ride around and look at Christmas lights. Derrick Herring told her to let's not and say we did. She said, "Daddy, that's lying and you don't want me to lie, so why would you?" BUSTED hahahaha
I was singing in the car and Meredith said, "Mama, you really need to work on your opera!"
"Mommy, I would lose my mind if I didn't have you."
"Maaaaaaaaaama, why do you treat me like I'm 5 years oldddddddd?"