Sunday, October 21, 2012

I had lunch with Meredith at school one day and was surrounded by 6-year olds bombarding me with questions about everything from math to medicine.  The next day, I asked her if all her friends liked me and thought I was cool.  She said, "Yeah, they didn't say nothing."

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Riding in the car, Meredith tells me, "Mommy, this glitter glue I'm using in the backseat is washable!". ............. Wow, can't wait to look back there.
Meredith made a mess in our room tonight and wouldn't clean it up. I called out to Derrick and said, "Come in here. There's something you need to see!" Meredith got in gear then, and by the time he got to the bedroom, she met him going out the door with both arms full and she said, "There's nothing to see here but a little girl taking her stuff to her room!"
Meredith just told Derrick, "Could you just let a little girl have 5 minutes of thinking time?"
Meredith came to the table, looked at her plate and said, "Well, I was expecting something a lot more fancier than corn, whatever that is and whatever that is."
Dictionary of Meredith: Veins - the thangs that are purple and go all over your body and help you live.
At the theater snack counter - Meredith: Mommy, why did you say no butter on our popcorn? Me: Because I don't want any. Meredith: Oh I know why. Because you're on a diet, right? Everyone else in the lobby: Bahahahaha!!!!
Me: Meredith, do you know where the remote is? The TV is way too loud....... Meredith: No, but did you know there's little buttons on the TV that can control that?"
I came out of the bathroom and said, "Woo hoo!!! I lost 2 more pounds!!!" Meredith said, "Where'd you lose 'em from? I just don't see it."
The service person who's been in my home all day is from London, and hasn't lost a bit of his accent! I love to hear him talk, but I'm mortified now that Meredith is walking around the house talking about the Queen in front of him in a British accent!!!
The other day, Meredith got a toy out of a cereal box and it was for a boy. She said she was taking it to school and giving it to "Walter" (name changed to protect the innocent - LOL). I asked if Walter was her boyfriend and she said "NO!!! I just like him." I asked her why she liked him and she said, "Because he has freckles all on his face, he is nice to everybody, and he is desperate."
"Mom, you treat me like a little child! You treat me like I'm 4!"
Meredith told me yesterday, "Mommy, you're a cutie pie even with no makeup on. That's why Daddy loves you so much!"
Meredith asked where Quinn was. I told her he went to Walmart but should have been back by now. She said, "You know how Quinn is. He probably met a cute girl and is flirting with her right now!"
So I pull out my wallet in Ruby Tuesday and Meredith says, "Mommy, that wallet does NOT match that pocketbook!!!"
Meredith told me, "Mommy, on rainy days we don't go outside and play and I don't get dirty. I don't have any mud spots on me. So on days it rains, I don't have to take a bath. And on the morning after a rainy day, I don't have to take a bath then either."
"Mommy, did you know that when you get old, your butt sags?"........"Why, no, Meredith.  I had no idea!!!"
I told Meredith I would like a little peace and quiet. She said, "You had that yesterday."
Just past Butler's x-roads. Meredith said, "Are we almost at Myrtle Beach?"
Derrick mashed Meredith's belly and she said, "Daddy, you're mashing my contestines!!!"
Meredith told me today, "Mommy, everytime you tell me something, you forget it later. You need to see a doctor about that."
"Mommy, you can't be spent out! We only went to 2 stores!!!"
While on vacation, Meredith said, "Do these hand wipes kill cooties? These hand rails have a ton of germs because all these Washington DC people have cooties!"
"Mommy, is tomorrow Friday?" "Yes." "Well I don't need to go to school tomorrow. I've already learned all I can learn."
I just told Meredith that Cinderella was proof that a new pair of shoes could change your life. She said, "Well, let's go today and buy us some new shoes and see if they change our life."
Walked in Rite Aid with Meredith and she said, "I'll be walking right behind ya, wandering and plundering."
Conversation at our dinner table - Derrick: Meredith, did you get in trouble at school today? Loooooooong pause ..............Meredith: Mmmmmmmm, who cooked this corn???
"But Maaaaaaaaaaa, I took a bath last night AND the night before that!!!!!"
My child talks in her sleep, so I was not surprised at all when she woke me early this morning yelling, "Do you have wi-fi in this bus???" I think that's the second time she's talked about wi-fi in her sleep.
Me: Meredith, hurry up in there. I need to get in the shower. Meredith: You can get in here with me. Me: No, I want to get in by myself. Meredith: Why, are you afraid I'm gonna push you down?"
"Meredith, are you gonna take a shower tonight, or stink tomorrow?" ----------  "I'll just stink tomorrow. I don't care!"
Meredith says she wants to change her name to Sparkles or Glitter, or anything that shines.
Meredith just told me that when I died, she wanted all my flip-flops.
I told Meredith I would brush her hair when she got that scowl off her face. She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and said, "I don't see no scowl on my face!"
"I got my report card and I think I made it to the 1st grade."
Meredith on her toy phone - "You want me to perform with Lady GaGa tomorrow? And with Scotty McCreery the next day? Sure!"
On Hwy. 50 near Maple Hill, Meredith said, "Where are we at? Are we in the middle of nowhere?"
"Mommy, did you know Facebook is a lot of fun to grownups?"
"Mommy, can you turn the tv channel? Hollywood Heights is on (on Nickelodeon) and its too teenagery for me."
For some time, Meredith has been saving all her money to buy a convertible when she turns 16. She asked us just now how much she needed to save. We told her about $40,000. She thought for a second and said, "Well, how much is a van?"
Meredith keeps askIng to go to the pool, and I keep telling her we'll go in a minute. So she said, "Would you please let me know when "in a minute" has arrove!"
Meredith went with her PaPa to the barber shop today. She sat in an empty barber's chair while they waited. Another barber came in and asked her if she needed a haircut. She said, "No thanks, you don't look like a professional."
Meredith handed our waitress my bowl of slaw and told her, "My mama likes slaw, but she didn't eat this because she said it looks old."
I told Derrick he could lose a lot of weight if he quit drinking soft drinks. Meredith said, "Yeah, 'cause all that weight don't look that good."
ZZ Top was singing on TV tonight and I told Meredith to pay attention because that was a band from Mommy and Daddy's day that we loved. She said, "They were from y'all's day and they're still alive?!?!?"
Leaving home this am, Meredith said, "Mommy, if we had more time, would you go back and put on more makeup?"..........."
"Pass that car, Mama." "I can't pass now, Meredith." "Yes you can. Daddy does it all the time. He gets in the other lane and mashes them pedal all the way down and goes around 'em."
Meredith on soccer: If you get real dirty, you've had a good game. If you don't get dirty, you didn't have a good game.
Not only did Meredith tell 4 of her friends at school that we were going to Disney World next year, she invited them to go with us!
Meredith told Derrick she wasn't ready yet because she was "inattracted". I'm guessing a combination of inattentive and distracted?!? But kudos for attempting to use big words! Lol
"Mama, do you know what acro means?" "No, Meredith, I don't." "Mama, you mean to tell me you're in your 60's and you don't know what acro means?"
Leaving school today, Meredith asked me why I picked her up early. I told her Mrs. Taylor called me and said you were coughing non-stop and that you were miserable. She said, "Mrs. Taylor called you?" I said yes she did. She said, "Well, did she mention anything about my behavior today?" I told her no. She said, "Well never mind then."
Derrick was out of town for a few days, and when he talked to Meredith on the phone last night, he asked her how school was and if she had gotten in to trouble. She said, "Well, I'm gonna let you get off the phone now Daddy, because you need to go ahead and go to bed so you won't be late for your class in the morning."
"Mama, I'm gonna be a veterinarian when I grow up. But ima be a ballet girl until then."
Meredith and I are playing "school". I'm the student and she's the teacher. She just pretended to call my Mother because I'm sick. She got on the phone and said, "Your daughter is very sick. She has asthma and is coughing so hard she's writing her numbers backwards. She also has high cholesterol."